Blackbeard's Bounty |
![]() Treasure abounds in this F major solo written in 4/4 meter! The catchy melodic and rhythmic patterns will inspire students to a spirited performance. The music captures the imagination, and tempo changes from Allegro to Andante and back help create the image of Blackbeard the Pirate. This solo also provides an excellent study in intervals and triads and gets students moving around keyboard with fluency. To hear Dennis Alexander perform this piece, CLICK on the MP3 icon to the RIGHT. This sheet music can be purchased from your favorite music dealer or: Order Now |
A Wonderful Day! |
![]() This happy-go-lucky piece will put any student in a good mood! It is a perfect solo for getting the student to move quickly and easily around the keyboard. Legato and staccato articulations are used, and the left hand crosses over the right hand. Mostly in C position with occasional accidentals, some of the coordination requires parallel motion in 10ths between the hands. Put all this together with a catchy tune and rhythm, and you get a solo that is sure to become a favorite in your studio. To hear Dennis Alexander perform this piece, CLICK on the MP3 icon to the RIGHT. This sheet music can be purchased from your favorite music dealer or: Order Now |
The Angry Alligator |
![]() This late elementary solo is perfect for reinfocing bass clef notes and reading. In D minor, both hands play in the bass clef with the left hand frequently crossing over the right hand. Students will have no trouble imagining an angry alligator as they play. They will enjoy the full sounds and gain experience in playing dynamic contrasts. The 3/4 meter will make it easy for them to create the bold sounds of a lumbering, angry alligator. To hear Dennis Alexander perform this piece, CLICK on the MP3 icon to the RIGHT. This sheet music can be purchased from your favorite music dealer or: Order Now |
Apache Braves |
![]() This Native-American dance-styled solo features open staccato fifths in the left hand, accidentals, left and right hand rhythm coordination, and a wide use of the keyboard. Also included in "Dennis Alexander's Favorite Solos, Bk. 1" To hear Dennis Alexander perform this piece, CLICK on the MP3 icon to the RIGHT. This sheet music can be purchased from your favorite music dealer or: Order Now |
Broomstick Capers |
![]() This exciting Halloween piece is to be played "as slowly or as fast as your broom will fly!" It is in D minor, and features left-hand-over technique and rapid eighth note patterns that lay easily under the hands. There is even a spot where the "owls are hooting" and a measure where the piano plays a scary "scream." To hear Dennis Alexander perform this piece, CLICK on the MP3 icon to the RIGHT. This sheet music can be purchased from your favorite music dealer or: Order Now |
Entrada in G Major |
![]() To hear Dennis Alexander perform this piece, CLICK on the MP3 icon to the RIGHT. This sheet music can be purchased from your favorite music dealer or: Order Now |
Grumpy Old Witch |
![]() The old crone is out of sorts in this creepy, A-minor, late elementary level Halloween piece that is loaded with staccatos, sforzandos, dramatic dynamics, and dissonance. Patterns often move in parallel motion between hands. Students will love the ending of this piece! To hear Dennis Alexander perform this piece, CLICK on the MP3 icon to the RIGHT. This sheet music can be purchased from your favorite music dealer or: Order Now |
Hazy, Lazy Days |
![]() To hear Dennis Alexander perform this piece, CLICK on the MP3 icon to the RIGHT. This sheet music can be purchased from your favorite music dealer or: Order Now |
Imperial Sonatina |
![]() Written for the Contra Costa branch of the Music Teachers Association of California in honor of their 4th Sonata Contest. In 3 movements. First movement is in G Major; second movement is in g minor; third movement is a rousing jig in G Major. The entire piece works very well for the student with a small hand. Also included in "Dennis Alexander's Favorite Solos, Bk. 1" To hear Dennis Alexander perform this piece, CLICK on the MP3 icon to the RIGHT. This sheet music can be purchased from your favorite music dealer or:Order Now |
The Lost Troubadour |
![]() A gentle, lyrical solo in Aeolian mode. Pedaling is optional, but this piece sounds best with pedal. Lovely piece, especially for the student with small hands. Also included in "Dennis Alexander's Favorite Solos, Bk. 1" To hear Dennis Alexander perform this piece, CLICK on the MP3 icon to the RIGHT. This sheet music can be purchased from your favorite music dealer or: Order Now |
Mission in Outer Space |
![]() If you could take a trip to outer space, where would you go? Students will have fun imagining their destination as they travel while performing this solo. Accidentals occur throughout the piece. The opening eight measures suggest a confident march, perhaps depicting astronauts walking gallantly to their space ship. Use of the damper pedal helps create the sound of floating in space in measures 9-16. This section provides opportunities for moving around the keyboard using a repeated whole-tone pattern divided between the hands. The march is then repeated, followed by a Coda that ends the solo with flair. To hear Dennis Alexander perform this piece, CLICK on the MP3 icon to the RIGHT. This sheet music can be purchased from your favorite music dealer or: Order Now |
Old Daddy Longlegs |
![]() The key of D minor sets the stage for the mysterious sounds of this late elementary solo. The opening rhythm of the right hand melody even seems to say "Old Daddy Longlegs", and students will have no problem getting the rhythm correct just by chanting the title. An excellent vehicle for moving around the keyboard, the various hand crossings will make this piece as much fun to play as it will be to watch! Turn your student into "spider boy" or "spider girl" with this clever solo. Also included in "Dennis Alexander's Favorite Solos, Bk. 1" To hear Dennis Alexander perform this piece, CLICK on the MP3 icon to the RIGHT. This sheet music can be purchased from your favorite music dealer or: Order Now |
The Pumpkin Boogie |
![]() Here is a great Halloween recital piece for the late elementary student, featuring accidentals, some appropriately spooky lyrics, and a C-major key signature that is modified throughout the song for "boogie" harmonies and a ghostly mood. A "best seller"! To hear Dennis Alexander perform this piece, CLICK on the MP3 icon to the RIGHT. This sheet music can be purchased from your favorite music dealer or: Order Now |
Shout it Out! |
![]() A high energy, "rock" song that will be sure to please the boys in your studio! The LH is written to be played an octave lower throughout, just to give it more sound and energy. Also works great for small hands. Also included in "Dennis Alexander's Favorite Solos, Bk. 1" To hear Dennis Alexander perform this piece, CLICK on the MP3 icon to the RIGHT. This sheet music can be purchased from your favorite music dealer or: Order Now |
Silly Nilly Waltz |
![]() This is a fun solo that gets students all over the keyboard. The waltz pattern in the LH is playful and employs lots of 2nds on white and black keys. To hear Dennis Alexander perform this piece, CLICK on the MP3 icon to the RIGHT. This sheet music can be purchased from your favorite music dealer or: Order Now |
Springboard |
![]() To hear Dennis Alexander perform this piece, CLICK on the MP3 icon to the RIGHT. This sheet music can be purchased from your favorite music dealer or: Order Now |
Three Bears a-Walkin' |
![]() Students will enjoy using their musical imaginations as they take a walk through the forest. Written in d-minor, it moves all over the keyboard and uses lots of dynamics and articulations. To hear Dennis Alexander perform this piece, CLICK on the MP3 icon to the RIGHT. This sheet music can be purchased from your favorite music dealer or: Order Now |
Touch a Rainbow |
![]() To hear Dennis Alexander perform this piece, CLICK on the MP3 icon to the RIGHT. This sheet music can be purchased from your favorite music dealer or: Order Now |
Tough Cookie! |
![]() Students will love the syncopated rhythms in this lively and energetic solo! To hear Dennis Alexander perform this piece, CLICK on the MP3 icon to the RIGHT. This sheet music can be purchased from your favorite music dealer or: Order Now |
Valse Semplice |
![]() A lyrical, tender waltz in G major that modulates from G into Bb and then C before returning to the original key. Adults will also love the sophisticated sounds of this solo. To hear Dennis Alexander perform this piece, CLICK on the MP3 icon to the RIGHT. This sheet music can be purchased from your favorite music dealer or: Order Now |
Willy-Nilly March |
![]() An excellent solo for the student who needs to learn to move around the keyboard. This one is in a-minor with lots of open 5ths in the LH against eighth-note patterns in the RH. Lots of LH over RH patterns in the middle section. A good boy's piece. To hear Dennis Alexander perform this piece, CLICK on the MP3 icon to the RIGHT. This sheet music can be purchased from your favorite music dealer or: Order Now |
Pranksters |
![]() This mischievous solo at the late elementary level is in C major and gives the student numerous opportunities to move around the keyboard in various repeated patterns. Sometimes both hands are in bass clef, which is good for students at this level to experience. Eighth note patterns in the RH often use strong fingers 3 & 2 for security and control. Overall, an excellent piece for developing technique and sudden dynamic changes. Also included in "The Best of Dennis Alexander, Bk. 1" To hear Dennis Alexander perform this piece, CLICK on the MP3 icon to the RIGHT. This sheet music can be purchased from your favorite music dealer or: Order Now |
Shelby's Great Adventure! |
![]() Shelby, a miniature schnauzer, is Dennis Alexander's dog! Her outside adventure is depicted in this G major solo. Students will be able to lead "a dog's life" as they travel across the keyboard using various accidentals, G major triads and five-finger patterns. The melody alternates between the hands throughout. Shelby's day begins with sunshine (A) but is threatened by a storm (B) and thunder. However, the sun comes out again in the Coda and Shelby continues on her way! To hear Dennis Alexander perform this piece, CLICK on the MP3 icon to the RIGHT. This sheet music can be purchased from your favorite music dealer or: Order Now |
Caprice a la carte |
![]() This sparkling solo is in cut time, with 5-finger patterns that move all over the keyboard. It's perfect for the student with small hands who wants something "flashy" and fun to play. Students will love the ending! To hear Dennis Alexander perform this piece, CLICK on the MP3 icon to the RIGHT. This sheet music can be purchased from your favorite music dealer or: Order Now |
Circus Capers |
![]() All the fun of a circus is recreated in this humorous solo that features a melody that is tossed back and forth between the hands. The introduction begins with the sounds of the Big Top. A trill-like figure is divided between the hands and heralds the entrance of the show. Legato and staccato are used throughout the piece, making it an excellent study in articulation. The key of G major and the 4/4 meter compliment the mood of the piece. This solo is dedicated to the Pittsburgh Piano Teachers Association. To hear Dennis Alexander perform this piece, CLICK on the MP3 icon to the RIGHT. This sheet music can be purchased from your favorite music dealer or: Order Now |
Black Cat Boogie |
![]() Perfect for Halloween! An energetic boogie pattern in the left hand propels this late elementary piece forward in a lively tempo. An excellent study in projecting the right-hand melody over the left-hand accompaniment, it also features scale-like figures that alternate between the hands. If you loved Alexander's "Pumpkin Boogie", (one of his best selling sheet solos), you're really going to like this one too! To hear Dennis Alexander perform this piece, CLICK on the MP3 icon to the RIGHT. This sheet music can be purchased from your favorite music dealer or: Order Now |