Student AND Teacher Motivation Ideas

What ways can the teacher motivate and inspire the student?
--Choose interesting and exciting repertoire; discuss the value of using music by educational composers. Most students get bored with the same 'diet' of repertoire, so be flexible and give them a real variety of things.
--Play pieces for the student that they will be learning. They'll be much more motivated when they hear a piece played up to tempo!
--Have studio contests for memorizing, technique, sight reading, theory, flash cards, etc.
--Enter students in various auditions, festivals, contests, etc.
--Change lesson format frequently.
--Prepare students thoroughly when assigning new pieces- do everything possible to avoid student's practicing mistakes for a whole week.
--Give long and short-term goals.
--Practice techniques change with different kinds of pieces- be creative in suggesting how to practice different styles.
--Have various types of theme recitals or a 'favorite composer's recital.
--Use progress reports.
--How can parents motivate and inspire their children?
--Ask student to show them their assignment for the week.
--Ask student to play their favorite piece for them.
--Offer frequent praise and encouragement.
--Provide a good practicing environment.
--Be supportive of the teacher- get students to lessons on time, and make sure they have all necessary materials.
--How can teachers motivate themselves?
--Go to music stores and browse often.
--Exercise and take care of yourself.
--Join professional organizations and be a part of a group.
--Subscribe and read various musical journals.
--Find a 'mentor' in the organization you belong to.
--Coach new repertoire with a teacher occasionally.
--Involve yourself in technology at some level.
--Design a studio policy that allows you paid vacations, and/or time to attend a professional convention, either state or national level.